Thursday, June 18, 2020

North Korean Casino Attack

The attack on the Wirths Clinic COVID-19 testing operation that led to at least 300 COVID-19 cases related to the Bump and Grind Casino may have been carried out by a North Korean cyber group according to Dragonfire Cyber. “We have indicators, including copies of instructions on how to reprogram the Robotron BCLesegerät barcode reader, that the attack was coordinated by the PRK’s UGG advanced persistent threat group,” Dragonfire Cyber spokesperson Kate Libby told reporters.


The UGG APT group (UGG stands for (Uilyo Gong-Gyeog or medical cyber-attack) reportedly specializes in attacks on medical devices and medical records. They have been responsible for a number of medical ransomware attacks.


ECS-CERT has confirmed that it has seen the evidence collected by Dragonfire organization but would not comment on the attribution. “We have not seen conclusive evidence that would support that contention,” Immanuel C. Securitage told reporters; “Nor do we think that, at this point in the investigation, there is any need to spend energy and investigative resources identifying a possible cyber villain.”


Johnathan Quest, spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Inquiry, told reporters that while the Bureau is looking at that cyber evidence, they were currently concentrating on tracking down the delivery driver that transported the samples from the Casino to the Wirths lab in Ventnor City, NJ. “That individual has disappeared and we want to talk to him about possibility that sample labels were changed in route to the lab,” Quest told reporters.


Charles Willoughby, a former State Department expert on North Korea was asked why the government of the Peoples Republic of Korea would want to sabotage COVID-19 testing in the United States? Willoughby told me that, “The PRK will support any low-cost operation in the United States that will sow disorganization, distrust or disunity. They know that they cannot compete directly with the United States so they seek to indirectly weaken the authority and resolve of the federal government.”


At today’s news conference, Libby was asked about how Dade Murphy was doing and if she had any information about how the case against him was proceeding in Singapore? “Dade’s spirits are high and he is being treated well,” she told reporters; “His attorney’s continue to express confidence that the courts there will not send him to stand trial in China on these trumped up charges.”


CAUTIONARY NOTE: This is a future news story –

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