Tuesday, January 19, 2021

FBI Takes Down Fuel-Air Bomb Web Site

The Federal Bureau of Inquiry announced this morning that it had worked with Robotron USA to take down a series of web pages on the company’s web site that described how to make working fuel-air explosives (FAE). Johnathan Quest, the FBI spokesperson confirmed that the Robotron site had been hacked and the offending web pages had been inserted without their knowledge.

Erich Mielke, the Robotron President, told reporters in Berlin in a coordinated web conference that the web site had apparently been hacked sometime last week. “We are cooperating fully with the American FBI and related German authorities to help them track down the hacker,” Mielke said.

A press release from the notorious environmental hacker, AssaB, confirmed that he was responsible for the hack and had produced and detonated the two FAE bombs that were shown in videos on the hacked Robotron pages. “I have provided the FBI with full information on the two devices that I detonated in the California desert last week, including the locations so that they could conduct a forensic analysis of the scene,” the press release quoted AssaB as saying; “Both the FBI and the ATF should take a hard look at the site, because these bombs are not really difficult to make.”

A copy of the web pages provided to this reporter showed an equipment list and pictures of the assembled devices inside a both a drum and an overseas shipping container. The person who mailed me the pictures of the web site (purportedly AssaB, but I cannot confirm that) said that the components are readily available on the internet and anyone with a basic understanding of PLC programing could assemble the devices.

The AssaB press release states that it was he who notified the FBI of the web site. “I let them know about the site after the hit frequency started increasing dramatically,” the release stated: “I have also provided them with a list of the IP addresses of those who have accessed the site. I am currently monitoring those sites via cookies that I planted on them during their access to the web pages.”

Robotron confirms that links to the bomb web pages were inserted into a number of Robotron pages, including those pages describing each of the components used in the device.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: This is a future news story –